PGRN 2024 Scientific Meeting
It is our great pleasure to invite you to our 2024 Scientific Meeting. The meeting will take place September 23-25 at The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The meeting will include:
- Two Days of Scientific Programming
- In-person meeting of the PGRN Implementation Working Group
- In-person AllofUs Workshop
- In-person meeting of PGRN Committees

Scientific Meeting 2024 Program at a Glance
Monday September 23rd – Pomerene Hall Ideation Zone, Room 320, 1760 Neil Avenue
All of Us Research Workshop (registration required)
1:00 - 3:15P All of Us Workshop Part 1- Advancing PGx Research using AllofUS
3:15 - 3:30P BREAK
3:30 - 5:30P All of Us Workshop Part 2 - Using AllofUs Researcher Workbench
3:30 - 5:30P PGRN Implementation Working Group In-Person Meeting (registration not required)
6:00 - 7:30P PGRN Social Event - Come catch up with old and new colleagues at The Bottleshop, 237 King Avenue. Walking distance from Pomerene Hall.
Tuesday September, 24th – Blackwell Conference Center, 2110 Tuttle Park Place
8:30A - 9:30A Keynote 1 - Genomics-based diagnosis in the practice of pediatric medicine: A platform for precision medicine and discovery- Elaine Mardis, Nationwide Children's Hospital
9:30A - 9:45A BREAK
9:45A - 11:15A - Demonstrating Clinical Utility of PGx Testing: Study Designs and Evidence Generation
11:15A - 12:30P - Perspectives on Evidence Thresholds in PGx (Panel)
12:30P - 2:00P LUNCH – on your own
12:40-1:50P Industry Micro-sessions
Lunch provided for pre-registered micro-session attendees
- Micro-session 1 - 12:40P-1:10P: Helix – Overcoming PGx Implementation Barriers with 'Sequence Once, Query Often’
- Micro-session 2 - 1:20P – 1:50P Illumina - Implementation of Pharmacogenomic Testing in a Rural Pediatric Behavioral Health Hospital, Take 2
2:00P - 3:30P PGx Around the Globe
3:30P - 3:45P BREAK - Poster presenters should hang posters during this time
3:45P - 5:00P - Podium abstract presentations
- Basic/Discovery Track Podium Talks
- Translational/Implementation Track Podium Talks - Blackwell Ballroom
5:15P - 7:00P – Blackwell Pavilion
Reception, Poster Session & Announcement of Travel Award Winners
Wednesday September 25th - Blackwell Conference Center
8:00A - 9:15A - PGRN Breakfast Networking Session Tables
Blackwell Ballroom
- Oncology SIG - Britt Drogemoller/Dan Hertz
- Psychiatry SIG- Chad Bousman
- Early Career Committee - Aniwaa Owusu Obeng
- Global Committee - Folefac Aminkeng/Mohamed Nagy
- Communications Committee - Reynold Ly
- Education Committee - Phil Empey
Blackwell Pavilion
- Publications Committee - Max Smith
- Implementation Working Group - Larisa Cavallari
- Pharmacogenetics Implementers – Potential new SIG – Josiah Allen
- All of Us - Jason Karnes
- STRIPE - Jai Patel
- ClinPGx - Michelle Whirl-Carrillo
9:30A - 10:30A Keynote 2 Genetic variation impacts substance use disorders: drug taking behaviors, cessation and disease risk - Rachel Tyndale, University of Toronto; Moderator: Steve Scherer
10:30A - 10:45A – BREAK
10:45A - 12:15A
- Polygenic Scoring and Artificial Intelligence in PGx – Blackwell Ballroom
- Genes Gone Rogue: Navigating the Unexpected of PGx Testing – Blackwell Pavilion
12:15P Boxed lunch and networking time – Blackwell Pavilion
12:30P-2:00P PGRN Board & Committee Meetings - Blackwell Ballroom